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We* are committed to supporting and promoting the advancement of women at our firm and in the legal industry. That is why we developed and created ReferToHer®, a series of lists of experienced female lawyers to whom lawyers and clients can confidently refer work. Through ReferToHer, we balance§ our commitment to advancing equality, diversity, and inclusion with concrete action. Recognizing that referrals are key to achieving business success, ReferToHer aims to balance the scales on referrals to ensure that female lawyers are as top of mind for referrals as their male colleagues..

ReferToHer® is a series of lists, organized by practice group, of experienced female lawyers to whom you can confidently refer work. As referrals are key to achieving business success, we hope this program ensures that female lawyers are positioned as equal, available, resources for those seeking legal help. This is a step towards ensuring that, regardless of gender, clients are referred to the right lawyers.

To learn more, visit today and join us in balancing the scales on referrals.

Our History

Described as “break the box thinking”, ReferToHer® was initially developed and launched as a litigation referral network with 10 lists in June 2019, by Sana Halwani and former Partner and current Chief Legal Counsel at EY Canada, Shara Roy. Since launch, the website has received over 80,000 visits and grown significantly to 29 lists across three categories with over 750+ listees. Milestones include:

  • Introducing a Corporate category, in partnership with McCarthy Tétrault, and a Supporting Legal Areas category.
  • Launching RéfèrElle and a bilingual website to enhance accessibility and reach.
  • Hosting a virtual networking event and brainstorm for listees on concretely advancing women in legal. The event was featured in The Globe & Mail and the ideas generated were sent to over 500+ listees across Canada to harness their influence and drive forward change.
  • Developing Listservs to allow listees to find and suggest referrals, engage in discussion, share opportunities, and continue to build relationships.
  • Celebrating International Women’s Day annually, and honouring our listees by donating over $25,000 to organizations across Canada focused on advancing and supporting women.
  • Expanding the criteria to make lists more inclusive for senior associates facing barriers to becoming a partner.
  • Partnering with the Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF) since 2021 as their exclusive matching donor of their Giving Tuesday campaign, helping to almost triple their donations over the last three years.

Our intention is for ReferToHer to continue to grow organically over time to reflect the Canadian legal market.

What is ReferToHer®?

ReferToHer® is a series of lists, organized by practice group, of experienced female lawyers to whom you can confidently refer work. As referrals are an important part of achieving business success, we hope this program ensures that female lawyers are positioned as equal, available, resources for those seeking legal help. This is a step towards ensuring that, regardless of gender, clients are referred to the right lawyers.

How did ReferToHer® and the initial lists originate?

ReferToHer® was initially launched as a litigation referral network in June 2019 by Sana Halwani, Partner at Lenczner Slaght, and Shara Roy, former Partner at Lenczner Slaght and current Chief Legal Counsel at EY Canada. Working with senior female lawyers at Lenczner Slaght and other senior women in the industry, ten litigation lists were developed at launch with lawyers originally placed on only one of the lists. In January 2020, McCarthy Tétrault, together with Lenczner Slaght, developed the first Corporate ReferToHer® lists of its kind.

Lenczner Slaght remains responsible for developing and updating all litigation lists and maintaining

McCarthy Tétrault remains responsible for developing and updating all corporate lists and maintaining

Is ReferToHer® a directory or a ranking?

No, it is not a membership or a legal ranking.

Can I use ReferToHer® for more than just referrals?

Yes, we encourage you to reference the lists not just when you need to make a business referral, but also when you need a panelist for a speaking engagement, when you are speaking to the media and want to recommend another expert, or are being interviewed by legal rankings and directories.

How does someone get on the list? What are the criteria?

If you are already on a list, you may visit Get Her on the List to endorse an addition. She must be a partner, counsel, sole practitioner, or a lawyer with at least 8 years of experience (i.e., with a Bar Admission of 2016 or earlier), she must be a litigator (Litigation list only) or corporate lawyer (Corporate list only) practicing in Canada, and she must identify as female. She should also be someone to whom you have or confidently would refer work. Please keep in mind that you cannot endorse someone from your own firm.

Can someone be on more than one list?

While lawyers were originally placed on only one list, you can endorse a lawyer to have her included on multiple lists by filling out the form on Get Her on the List. The intention is for the lists to grow organically over time to reflect the Canadian legal market.

Can a listee endorse an addition to any list?

No, there are some limitations. Only those who are on a Litigation list can endorse an addition to a Litigation list and only those who are on a Corporate list can endorse an addition to a Corporate list. However, anyone on any list can endorse an addition to a Supporting Legal Areas list and vice versa.

Can I suggest a new list?

Yes, help us grow ReferToHer! We continue to consider additional lists for launch on and welcome your suggestions at

Who will make updates to the list?

Periodic updates to contact information on the Litigation lists will be made by Lenczner Slaght. Periodic updates to contact information on the Corporate lists will be made by McCarthy Tétrault.

What type of updates will be made?

Those who are no longer practicing in private practice will be removed from the lists. In addition, if you are on a Litigation list and wish to be removed, you can email If you are on a Corporate list and wish to be removed, you can email

How long will it take to receive a response from or

Please allow 48-72 hours.